Daiki Rika Kogyo Co., Ltd.

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Corporate Profile

Company nameDaiki Rika Kogyo Co.,Ltd.
CEOM.Oishi Ph.D.(Science and Engineering)
EstablishedEstablished in 1958, in operation since 1941.
Head office&Factory212-8 Akagidai, Konosu-Shi, Saitama, Zip 365-0001, Japan
<Google Map>
TEL +81 48-568-2500+81 48 568 2500FAX +81-48-568-2505
Branch office●Tokyo office
Arca Central 14F, 1-2-1 Kinshi, Sumida-Ku, Tokyo, Zip 130-0013, Japan
<Google Map>
TEL +81 3-6853-6701

●West Japan office
2-9-1 Oji, Kusatsu-Shi, Shiga, Zip 525-0032, Japan
<Google Map>
TEL +81 77-567-1750+81 77 567 1750FAX +81-77-567-1755

Daiki Rika Kogyo Co., Ltd. has engaged in manufacturing of physical and chemical apparatus, since it was founded in March,1941.

In 1950, we had begun to design and produce soil physical instruments in cooperation with researchers of National Research Institute of Agriculture Engineer (at present, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Science).

From that time downward, we have engaged in the designing, manufacturing and marketing agricultural laboratory equipment and soil testing instruments.

We have aimed at making useful and high quality equipments and instruments for the people who research on “the Soil and the Water” through the whole world.

And we continue to make efforts in developing new products and improving products.

Through these years, we have received valuable academic advises, technical suggestions, from not only researchers but also supporters concerned.

We wish to express our warm thanks to all persons who have supported us till now.

Your continued support and encouragement will be greatly appreciated.

Mascot “KOBATON” in Saitama
