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DIK-8392 Soil Water Sampler (for Field)

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DIK-8392 Soil Water Sampler (for Field)
DIK-8392 Soil Water Sampler (for Field)

Main Characteristic

Soil water sampler for field can extract the soil water by the buried collecting cup in the soil.

The nourishment is judged by measuring the water with meters or test papers for pH,EC, nitrogen,etc.

Collecting tube cup 1 pce. ( Specify the installing dimension.)
Porous cup (Exchangeable)
MaterialVinyl chloride, ceramic
Dimensionsdiam.18 x 95mm
( Porous cup dimensions
diam.18 x 60mm )
Lead pipe
etMaterialVinyl chloride
Dimensions10 to 100cm ( Specify installing depth )
Syringe 1 pce.
AccessoriesA 3-direction cock and a stopper are attached.
DIK-3910 Hand Vacuum Pump
Outside dimensions190 x 250 x 53 mm

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