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DIK-6050 Automatic control Rainfall Simulator

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DIK-6050 Automatic control Rainfall Simulator
DIK-6050 Automatic control Rainfall Simulator

Main Characteristic

By feedback control of a flow meter, it is always possible to maintain stable rainfall intensity.
Data such as rainfall intensity and raindrop diameter can be stored in every one minute, and stored to a USB.

After setting up rainfall intensity, start and stop time and raindrop diameter, it is possible to the continuously automatic operation with maximum 5 patterns.


Artificial raindrop generator 1unit
Effective rainfall area1㎡ (1m x 1m)
Effective heightApprox. 2m
Rainfall strength10~80㎜/h
Changeable range of raindrop size1.9 – 2.8mm
Distribution accuracy
(※)The measurement technique is based on our regulations, and the one in the range of the effective rainfall.
regular rainfall mode
(the nozzle without velocity revolution) : within ±10%
Random rainfall mode : within ±20%
Water supply tank 1 unit
Power source100VAC 2.5A